316A Triode Arcturus Audio Premier Speaker and Headphone Amp

Amazing tube amp form the minds of George Lenz, RayKoonce and RogerModeski, Power output is 6 watts with a magical 316A triode transmitting tube.(A First) The amp has balanced and single ended headphone jacks. It includes 4 high level inputs with one active output for an active subwoofer with a custom Magnequest transformers . Check it out at www.tubesusa.com/ The amp is a speaker amp and also really cool headphone amp priced at $6995. Call George at Tubes USAl  (516) 902-3334 for all the information and to arrange a demonstration of this one of a kind design form three legendary designers.

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Frank Iacone

Frank started his journey in high-end audio in 1978 and was quickly hooked. Frank’s passion for music and great sound reproduction is stronger than ever. His main focus is with high-end headphones and portable related gear. He is a regular Head-Fi.org contributor and is a co-founder of Headphone.Guru.


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