The Beyerdynamic Amiron Wireless – Incredible Wireless Audiophile Headphones!

Coming off reviewing the very impressive Aventho Wireless headphones by beyerdynamic (, I was very intrigued by their newly released full-sized wireless headphones: The Amiron. Beyerdynamic has made quite the foray into the world of wireless headphones with both the Aventho and Amiron and the most recent trends in the world of personal audio support this decision. Many headphone users prefer the freedom of cutting the chord and not having to worry about purchasing dedicated (and sometimes quite expensive) headphone amplifiers and digital-audio-players (DAPs) to drive their headphones. This is where beyerdynamic’s newest generation of wireless headphones come in. With built-in amplifiers and digital-to-analog converting (DSP) software, all you have to worry about is ensuring that the batteries are charged up and that you have your mobile phone with you.

As soon as I opened up the box, the premium build quality, and materials of the Amiron headphones really popped out. These are simply built like $1000+ flagship level headphones. The material selection of faux suede earpads and headband offer both comfort and durability. The big advantage with this material is that your ears never get hot with extended listening sessions like they could with a leather option. The headphones are not only beautifully constructed, but the comfort is simply out of this world! Once I put them on, they dissolve on my head and I forget that I’m even wearing them. Simply put they are in the top 3 or 4 headphones I’ve had on my head with regards to pure comfort and the ability to use them for long listening sessions. Also included with the headphones is a rugged carrying case that offers a good amount of protection for your headphones, as well as a 3.5mm terminated headphone cable which allows you to use the Amiron Wireless headphones in a wired fashion should you run out of battery power or if your device doesn’t support Bluetooth operation.

The full specifications for the beyerdynamic Amiron Wireless headphones are:

Operation PrincipleClosed-back dynamic headphones
Transmission TypeBluetooth Wireless (Qualcomm® aptX™ HD and AAC – plus aptX™ LL)
Nominal Impedance32 ohms
Weight 380 g (without cable)
Headphone Frequency Response5 – 40,000 Hz
Nominal SPL100 dB
Sound Coupling to the EarCircumaural (around the ear)

My two primary sources for music was my Apple iPhone 8 and my FiiO X5 MKIII digital-to-analog player (DAP). While I did try these headphones with the included cable in wired mode, I quickly determined that they sounded their best wirelessly (most likely due to the internal DSP processing used).

After a few weeks of solid burn-in, I decided to let the rubber hit the road and began my critical listening sessions. My first album was “Yer Favourites” by a truly Canadian band: The Tragically Hip. From the outset of “Wheat Kings” and the call of the loon, I was taken aback on the extremely impressive “out of your head sound staging” that these headphones could provide. Usually, closed-back headphones tend to offer a smaller and more compact mental image of the music when compared to open-backed headphones. The Amiron Wireless headphones go in the opposite direction of this trend and offer truly impressive imaging and openness. The sense of air and space really helped provide an incredibly transparent and clean presentation. Gord Downie’s vocals were what I’ve come to expect from beyerdynamic: upfront and centre. Again, bucking the trend of many “U” shaped closed-back headphones, I was extremely pleased to see that the Amiron went with a much more neutral and natural presentation to their sound signature and instead of a pulled-back or recessed midsection, what I heard was far more to my liking. When the bass and rumble of “New Orleans is Sinking” kicked in, I was immediately impressed with the clarity and detail. As previously mentioned, these headphones are not what I would classify a bass-head’s fantasy, but if you’re after a more neutral sound, then these headphones are for you. They offer just enough slam to satisfy, but that slam never impedes on the mids or overall tone. It certainly was enough to get my head bopping up and down throughout the entire track!

I’ve been a Rolling Stones fan ever since I can remember enjoying music. Along with Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, and Rush, these bands have been with me since the beginning. “Sympathy for the Devil” is one of the Stone’s most well-known tracks and definitely one of my favourites. Well, I can safely say that Mick has never sounded better! The mid-range on these headphones is very reminiscent of the flagship T1 2nd generation by beyerdynamic (my review can be found here: That is no small feat as I’ve always considered the T1’s midrange one of the very best in personal audio. And you definitely get a familial resemblance with the Amiron Wireless headphones. Keith’s guitar work came to life with these headphones and the smallest details and nuances were all laid bare. Charlie’s drum beats came to life and the bass drum thumps were both quite satisfying, but also well textured and in perfect proportion to Mick’s vocals. Again, the incredibly wide sound staging shone through and these closed-back headphones are testament that you don’t need open-backed headphones to achieve this.

Finally, I decided to switch things up a bit and I selected “Standards and Ballads” by Wynton Marsalis. Wynton is an absolute genius with the trumpet. Having played this instrument for over 35 years, every time I listen to Wynton play, it only reminds me that I made the right decision to become a professional engineer over a professional musician. Right from the outset of “Stardust”, I heard a wonderfully open and clear soundscape with incredible instrumental separation and clarity. The tonality of Wynton’s trumpet was spot on. The tone and timbre of each note transferred me to the recording studio and put me front and centre with Wynton and his band. The detail retrieval was outstanding, in fact, I could hear the slightest reverberations of Wynton’s breath into his horn. The treble extension covered this instrument in its entirety and never came off as strident. I often use this recording to determine the ability to hear if it can portray the trumpet (an instrument that I am very familiar with) in an accurate way and the Amiron Wireless headphones passed with flying colours!

Overall, I loved my time with these headphones. Being able to “cut the cord” and walk around without being tethered to a dedicated headphone amplifier was very liberating. As well, for those who are wary of getting into a top flight pair of headphones and don’t want to spend a small fortune on an upstream amplifier and/or DAC, they no longer have to concern themselves with these potential added costs. These are the two biggest advantages with wireless headphones in my experience and the folks at beyerdynamic have done a fantastic job in this regard. Tonality, these are incredibly open and neutral sounding headphones. Some might prefer a bit more heft or energy in terms of the bass, but I was quite satisfied with what I heard. The layering and detail of the bass quality were both excellent to my ears. The simple control functions on the earcup were both intuitive and functioned quite easily. Coming in at $699 US, the Amiron Wireless headphones give you flagship worthy sound quality and convenience. If you don’t want to spend a bundle on an upstream amplifier and DAC, but still want a fantastically sounding audiophile quality pair of headphones, I strongly suggest you try out these headphones!

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Peter Pialis

By day, I’m a husband, father and professional engineer. But by night, I’m an audiophile and music junkie. Many say that music is food for the soul and nothing works better for me than Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Rush and Miles Davis. For the past 25 years I’ve been on an audio journey that continues to this day.


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